Hammond T-500 TWG Digital Control & Signal Conditioning

Initial Project Outline

  • Phase 1 - Testing Analog Devices AD7771 8-channel ADC with Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller
    • Analysis of TWG (Tonewheel Generator) output signals
    • Pre-ADC conditioning
    • SPI control of ADC
    • ADC signal output to Teensy via SPI
    • Digital mixer on Teensy (note selection & amplitude control)
    • Analog output from Teensy (mostly for fun)
    • Matlab analysis of audio signals
    • Determine feasibility of final mixing & stereo/mono effects on Teensy
  • Phase 2 - Testing Alhambra II FPGA as Digital Signal Processor
    • Determine multi-channel capacity of FPGA
    • Basic DSP on FPGA (LP, BP & HP filters)
    • Digital mixer on FPGA
    • Advanced DSP on FPGA (effects, multiple filters, see DAFX book)
    • Determine feasibility of final mixing & stereo/mono effects on FPGA
  • Phase 3 - Design of 88-Channel ADC Board
    • Likely to include 11 each 8-channel ADC chips
    • 11 FPGAs? How many channels can one FPGA handle? 
  • Phase 4 - MIDI control via Teensy
    • Note-on messages
    • Effects selection and control
  • Phase 5 - Analog Output Section Design
    • Selection of proper stereo DAC
    • Design of separate DAC board
  • Phase 6 - Power Supply Design
    • Determine power requirements of individual components
    • Design power supply (!)
